The starting pressure is set as 1 ata.
VPM Constants
The constants ro, gamma, and lambda
are set in SUB diveData.
As ro increases, psMin and criticalGradient
get smaller, leading to longer
decompression times. Substitution of the range of values 0.8 < ro <
1.2 into the code is physically reasonable.
As gamma (= g in Refs. 1 and 2 )
psMin and criticalGradient get smaller, leading to longer decompression times. Substitution of the
range 16 < gamma < 20 into the code is physically reasonable.
My Programs' Constants
The default half-times are Buhlmann's ZHL-16 set: 4.,8.,12.5,18.5,27.,38.3,64.3,77.,109.,146.,187.,239.,305.,390.,498.,635.
The VPM constants are the same as Yount and Hoffman's.
ro = 1 (micron)
gamma = 17.9 (dyne/cm)
lambda = 7180 (fsw min)
Yount and Hoffman's Constants
The eight fastest half-times in ref 1 are: 2,5,10,20,40,80,120,160 (min).
Lambda: l = 7500 (ffw min)
ro = 1 (micron)
Wienke's Constants
Half-times in ref 2 are: 1,2,5,10,20,40,80,120,180,240,360,480,720 (min).
Delta =
d --same
as Yount's lambda: l--
7180 (fsw min) = 7502 (feet of freshwater x minutes)
ro = 0.8 (micron)